Private Meditations

I’ve written for you to enjoy!


The vibration of the universe is love

Everything you see and feel is love

Do not go looking for love

Because you have been found, already


Energy, the universal life force

Flowing through every thing and every body

Your consciousness itself is energy


As you think each thought…

…you shape the collective consciousness of the universe

A new burst of designs is created

Your thoughts ripple throughout space and time

Your thoughts are much, much more powerful than you could ever imagine


Let’s groom our thoughts and make amazing ripples!


Glide, and do not hold onto anything

Experience, without grasping

But your mind wants to frantically clutch

Ask it, gently, to let go for a few seconds, so you can experience bliss on the other side

That’s not too much to ask

In the Soup

You are the human that the universe designed, and with whom to communicate

The universe is bursting with messages, sending them to you on a regular basis

Be still


You will understand what you are receiving

You are surrounded with guidance

You are not supposed to live this life all on your own

* All written items are Copyrighted